Meet Liz Cavallaro & Bree Fram

  • June 20, 2024

The authors of Forging Queer Leaders come to DC on Sun., June 23rd, at 7 p.m.!

Meet Liz Cavallaro & Bree Fram

LGBTQ+ individuals disproportionately encounter bias, adversity, stigma, and marginalization throughout their lives. It's an enormous obstacle but also prepares them for leadership in a fast-moving, volatile, uncertain, complex, and adaptive working world.

Forging Queer Leaders explores the unique and inspiring developmental experiences of LGBTQ+ leaders, the amazing capabilities they bring to teams, and what that means for everyone pursuing positive and inclusive organizational strategy. With stories from the armed forces, lawyers, entrepreneurs, authors, academics, thought leaders, medical professionals — you name it — this book shows how queer folk everywhere are harnessing their hard-won power and resilience to excel.

Hosted by Solid State Books, 600 H St., NE, Washington, DC. Learn more here.

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