Washington’s Gay General

Book Review

Washington’s Gay General

By Josh Trujillo and Levi Hastings

A queer Revolutionary War hero gets his glorious due.

Our Week in Reviews: 9/7/24

A recap of the books we’ve spotlighted in the past few days.

    Romance Roundup
    Romance Roundup: September 2024

    A look at what’s steaming up the shelves this month.

      Author Q&A

      An Interview with Richard Bausch

      The short-story master and talented novelist discusses the writing life and his new 9/11-themed novel, Before, During, After.

      Book Review

      Mirages: The Unexpurgated Diary of Anaïs Nin, 1939-1947

      By Anaïs Nin; edited by Paul Herron

      Mirages: The Unexpurgated Diary of Anaïs Nin, 1939-1947

      A new, unexpurgated volume of the author's diaries.

      Author Q&A

      An Interview with Jack Livings

      Jack Livings’ short-story collection, The Dog, was just published by Farrar, Straus and Giroux.

      Book List

      Baltimore Story Collections

      Two authors give distinct voice to the people of one city — Baltimore.

      Beyond The Book

      6 Books Worth Reading Again (and Again)

      We’d love to say all books are created equal, but it just isn't so. Some you have to slog your way through — we're looking at you, Moby-Dick — while others flow into your soul like they’re part of your DNA. Here are some of the Independent's favorites among the latter. If you haven't read them before, get going. If you have, get going again.

      Book Review

      Diary of the Fall: A Novel

      A Jewish boy in Brazil struggles with the echoes of trauma.

      Author Q&A

      An Interview with Lisa O’Donnell

      The award-winning author discusses her latest novel, Closed Doors, a family story set on a small Scottish island where everyone knows everything about everybody.

      Book Review

      Blue-Eyed Boy: A Memoir

      By Robert Timberg

      Blue-Eyed Boy: A Memoir

      Disfigured during combat in Vietnam, Robert Timberg transformed his life by becoming a distinguished journalist.