The Friday Afternoon Club: A Family Memoir

Book Review

The Friday Afternoon Club: A Family Memoir

By Griffin Dunne

An affecting, poignant recollection of life among the Hollywood literati.

The Wounded World

Book Review

The Wounded World

By Chad L. Williams

An outstanding account of the eminent intellectual’s literary Waterloo.

The Art Thief

Book Review

The Art Thief

By Michael Finkel

What happens when an aesthete turns fanatic?


Books Alive! Presents: David Maraniss

Meet one of the renowned writers participating in the Independent's annual Books Alive! conference.

Beyond The Book

Bedtime Stories, Feb. 2014

What do literary types have queued up on their nightstands and ready to read before lights-out? We asked a few of them, and here’s what they said.

Book Review

The Castle of Whispers: A Novel

By Carole Martinez

The Castle of Whispers: A Novel

The bestselling French author transports readers to 12th-century France, while still providing hard-hitting social commentary.

Beyond The Book

In Defense of Pop Fiction

Why the line between genres needs to be crossed.

Book Review

Orfeo: A Novel

By Richard Powers

Orfeo: A Novel

A literary high-wire act with a powerful meditation on music, musical history and music in history at its core.

Book Review

Silence Once Begun: A Novel

All stories are fiction, as the saying goes. Facts are shaped by the observer.

Book Review

All Joy and No Fun: The Paradox of Modern Parenthood

A parenting book that acknowledges the disappointments and drudgery that accompany the delights of raising children.

Book Review


By Lisa Moore


A criminal seems unable to stay ahead of the police while plotting one last job.